Monday Motivation – New York!

Hey folks, it’s that time of the week again… MONDAY MOTIVATION!

We will be taking a trip to New York. To be more specific some extremely well painted 2 UP UCM  New Yorks from our Dropzone Commander range by the very talented Sebastian Koberstien.

Starting off, a feature I really love on these is the clean White panels with some impressive writing and logos attached to it. Alongside this the red lights on the bays really help make the model catch the eye.

Moving on, the next feature I want to bring up is the use of the bright blue to show off the engines. It really catches the eye and highlights the engines.

Over all I am a massive fan of this gun metal colour scheme. All the aspects of this model complement each other brilliantly.

Next up we have a fantastic earthy colour scheme, what I love about this scheme is how well highlighted all the different panels are, every panels details stands out brilliantly. Once again using the outstanding bright blue engine colour really contrasts from the main colour of the ship.

These UCM 2 Up New Yorks are event exclusives and are currently available so if you fancy your hand at painting some you have a limited time to do so.

Right folks that is it for this weeks Monday Motivation. You’ve done a fantastic job Sebastian. If this has spurred you on to paint some Dropzone Commander, you can check out our entire range here.

On a closing note if you would like to be featured in Monday motivation please send in your images to We really love seeing your work!

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