Monday New Year RUMBLESLAM Motivation

We hope everyone had a great Holiday period. It’s the first Monday Motivation of 2021 and it’s one I’ve been looking forward to for a while. Robert Dawe sent in his collection of Rumbleslam miniatures for us, and Robert has done a great job.

Robert only started playing the game back in July, so he’s got really involved in the hobby since then, especially since the world has been, well, shall we say challenging on the hobby in that period!

Robert has also made the Tabletop Simulator Module for Rumbleslam which you can download here. So you can play with your friends online, can’t have those key title matches being postponed now can we?

Let’s take a look at Roberts collection so far:

For the Divas/Gemini Twins, my wife wanted the costumes to sparkle, so I added makeup-grade glitter to a paint-on gloss varnish and applied it to their gear 🙂

It looks really cool with the glitter on their costumes, my wife wants the dining room table back rather than being the area for my shame pile. Unlucky for her.

Great job through Robert, and fantastic effort on the Tabletop Simulator Mod. If this has motivated you to jump into the world of Rumbleslam then take a look at our webstore.

Hope you all have a great week, and this year is great for you all. And remember, if you have a project you are really proud of, then send us some pictures to





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