Teaser Tuesday – Army Painter

What’s on the roster this week? Let’s see!

It’s another Teaser Tuesday and if your day is going as slow as mine, you’ll be very excited for this announcement!

Continuing our current trend of putting absolutely everything we possibly can on the TTCombat webstore, this Friday we’ll even be letting you ADOPT PUPPIES from us!

You’ll be able to browse through our selection of puppies, ordering them by breed, saddest story, and even cuteness, and then choose the one you – what? Hold on a minute.

Okay I’ve just been told that’s not even a bit correct. Why did I think we were adding puppies to the webstore? I think that must have been a weird, awesome dream.

Army Painter

Ohhhhh okay, this week is still fairly exciting though, as we’re going to be adding a load of products from our friends over at Army Painter!

On Friday you’ll be able to pick up the full range of Army Painter sprays (UK only I’m afraid – you know, pressurization and all that) alongside your MDF Tabletop Scenics kits!

We’ve been using Army Painter primers for ages now, and after a quick coat of MDF Sealer, one spray of these will give an amazing coverage on your scenery. And of course they are great for your miniatures too!

We’ll also be selling the full range of Army Painter brushes. They’re great quality and very affordable. I have that Vehicle/Terrain brush on my painting desk right now as I paint a Cargo Ship!

And finally we’ll also be selling Army Painter tools, including glue, cutting mats, basing kits, sculpting tools, files, and more! So the TTCombat webstore is fast becoming your one-stop shop for all your hobby related goodies!

Although not for puppies. For those you should still contact your local shelter. It’s probably for the best anyway, since my wife already gets annoyed at the amount of models I bring home each week.

We’ll have the full low-down on the Army Painter products added to the TTCombat webstore on Friday, so check back with us then!

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