Monday Dropfleet Winning Motivation

This weeks Monday Motivation was sent in by Alvaro Isorna. He is the winner of the recent competition organised by the Dropfleet Commander Community facebook group.

We, and it seems everyone really loved the comic style painting Alvaro did for his Resistance fleet here. Really helps to add to the scrap fleet aesthetic he has chosen to go with.

Great job Alvaro and enjoy your prize that is on it’s way to you. If you play Dropfleet Commander, then please do go and join in the Facebook group. They run regular competitions and there is always lots of people chatting about the game.

If you don’t play Dropfleet Commander, or you want to add more to your fleet, or maybe start a new one. Why not take a look at our webstore and get everything you need!

As always, if you have a project you are proud of and would love to see it shown off in a future Monday Motivation, please send us some pictures to

Have a great week everyone.

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