WIP Wednesday Late Night

Burning the Dropzone candle tonight. Wait, do they still have candles that far in the future? I assume they’ll all be fancy glowsticks or something. This is why I don’t write posts this late in the evening.

Hello everyone!

It’s a little later for today’s WIP Wednesday, but that’s because I’d already packed up my WIP stuff earlier in the day and wanted to wait until I was home.

You see, if you don’t know, TTCombat is still running a skeleton crew to adhere to proper social distancing, which means that most of us in the design team are working from home. We visit the office at quieter times periodically to check in and pick up new things, and I got a nice batch of stuff today!

I got to go home today with a little grab bag of cool stuff!

First of all, I got a restock of paints, following a very specific set of instructions. Did you know that you can get most of these paints right now on the TTCombat webstore? No need to go to 2 different places for your models and paints anymore!

I also got a secret bubble bag of goodies. If you look really close you might be able to glean a little of what’s inside.

Finally I got a bag of bases. But these aren’t just any bases…

These are fancy Dropzone Commander bases!

Carnevale got a basing treat in last week’s WIP Wed, and we didn’t want the Dropzoners to miss out. Alright, that’s not actually the truth, it’s just a coincidence.

The actual truth is that we made some mock-up bases for the UCM and Scourge Starter Armies and we’ve had enough people emailing and messaging in about them that we decided to go ahead and actually produce some! Scott has sculpted these city style bases (yes there’s also 3-hole variants at the back too), and we’re going to release them for sale soon!

In the meantime, I’m going to get on with painting these, since painted bases always photograph better. Although there are a lot more bases here than I’d expect to paint for just one product page… I wonder what that’s about? 😉


I’ll get on with these, and you all can muse on what needs updating over on the TTCombat webstore that could possibly need new bases.

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