Monday UCM Building Motivation

This weeks Monday Motivation is from our SciFi-X range. One of the Tyrosus buildings painted up and customised for the UCM. Sent in by Karl Mlynski, let’s take a look.

Dropzone Commander Boards can look fantastic. A futruristic city in 10MM really catches the eye, and thanks to the centre piece for Karls board I’m sure it really looks great to play some games on.

Karl took this Tyrosus building, added some accesories and painted it up with some UCM additions and it looks fantastic.

Great job Karl.

If you have a project you are really proud of please send us an email with some photos to

If this has motivated you to start your own Dropzone Commander board, take a look at our SciFi-X Range on our new look Webstore. Or maybe it’s motivated you to start playing Dropzone Commander, in which case the whole range is here.

Have a great week everyone.

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