Monday Cold Blooded Motivation

Hi everyone. It’s Monday so it’s time for some weekly motivation. This weeks Motivation is some fantastically painted Cold Bloods for Rumbleslam by Денис Хмыз.

We loved how bright and colorful these are. Which of couse is what we expect in the bright, glittering world of fantasy wrestling that is Rumbleslam!

Good work Денис Хмыз may these Cold Bloods win many matches and bring home some title belts!

If this has motivated you to play some Rumbleslam then head to our new look Webstore to see the full range with it’s new rulebook with more streamlined rules.

As always, if you have a project you are proud of, send it to us through and we may well feature it on a future Monday Motivation!

Have a great week everyone and keep safe!

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