Army Builder Maintenance

Jellies in the system!

Hello everyone! We hope you’re all keeping well and staying safe at the moment.

Just a little update to let everyone know that we’re undergoing some routine maintenance on the TTCombat army builders at the moment. Nothing important, it’s just having been in quarantine for so long Chris has been unable to keep up with his constant behind the scenes tweaking to keep everything running.

This will affect:

  • The Carnevale Gang Builder
  • The Dropfleet Commander Fleet Builder
  • The Dropzone Commander Army Builder

We’re going to try to get everything back up as soon as possible, but for a short time you’ll be unable to access these pages.

In the meantime, you can find stats for the games either made by us or by some of our incredible fans over in the Facebook fan pages.

Thanks to everyone for your patience, and stay safe!

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