Monday Halfling Wrestler Motivation

It’s Monday, it’s time for some motivation, and with the release of the Lord of the Rings boxset recently, let’s take a look at a painted set by Dave Mudiman

Hi everyone. We’ve been busty getting everyones orders of RUMBLESLAM V2 and of course the Lord of the Ring Set, a bunch of Halfling Wrestlers all ready to show that being small is no barrier to success in the great world of RUMBLESLAM!

TTAgent and owner of Dave’s Games in Australia, Dave Mudiman sent this one picture into me of his Halfling team and it’s allies, and I just had to share it.  The little Halflings are backed up by Ice and of course their own superstar Mushcles.

Mike CLavicle is there to get the latest news from them, and though they bought their own ref the Dwarf ref is hanging out inthe background, in case a stale pasty poisons someone.

We can also see a Goblin Board Babe in the background too, these Halflings are ready to Wrestle!

Good work Dave. And if this has motivated you to jump into the world of RUMBLESLAM then now is the best time ever to do so. Take a look at our webstore for the latest releases .

And of course, as always, if you have a project you are really proud of involving any of our products, please send some pictures into

Have a great week everyone.

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