Launch Asset Wednesday

Something teeny tiny today…

This work in progress Wednesday we’re taking a brief look at one of the most asked-for kits ever: Dropfleet launch asset tokens.

These models are fresh from the printer and they still have the supports on them!

At some point in the near future Chris and Tom are going to get their hands on these to clean them. Once that is done they’re ready to be made into production moulds. Before that happens, I managed to steal them away briefly for some photos.

These sculpts are very small but some eagle eyed viewers may be able to spot the item name printed on the bases. Each faction will be getting a Launch asset set with their chosen fleet’s aesthetic.

These are still a little way off, as we’re working on the best way to cast them. A few ideas are floating around, but as they’re so small (especially the stands) it may take a while to make it work.

If you can’t wait that long then check out our Dropfleet commander store page for our newest releases.


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