Teaser Tuesday – Industrial Reboot

We’re heading back to the Industrial Hive!

This Friday we have some fantastic new releases for Industrial Hive fans!

The original Industrial Hive kits were released a couple of years ago to much acclaim and love from our fans (thank you, fans!), but we’ve made them over and over again in the meantime and wanted to update them a bit.

So this Friday we’re relaunching Sector 1 of the Industrial Hive!

Now in smaller sets with better value for money (as if that was possible), the Sector 1 range is also going to be growing!

This Friday we’re releasing three new sets which cover a wide range of older kits, redesigned to go together better, fit on sprues better (good for anyone that’s tried to wrap one as a present!), and – most importantly – be even more modular.

The older kits were pretty good, but the newer ones have even more usability, from extra pieces like smaller platforms to making everything that looks like it should stack able to stack! The large square platform in these pictures for example is fully stackable, meaning you can make as tall a board as you like!

We’re showing just one of the sets today, but with two more on the way on Friday and loads more in the pipeline (a little pun there for anyone familiar with Sector 4) you’ll be able to make a great Industrial Hive board or expand on your current collection with even more girders and walkways and barricades!

Stay tuned to TTCommunity for more information on these, and the first place to see the new kits this Friday! Until then, we already have loads of Industrial Hive kits in the webstore, so head over there to check out the full range.

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