Monday Rumblecake Motivation

Hi everyone, it’s Monday, it’s time for some motivation, and nothing beats cake right? WRONG! RUMBLESLAM cake beats boring cake! Sent in by Kevin Eslinger baked by his fiance Brooke Bryant this cake is too awesome not to share.

Kevin is obviously a big RUMBLESLAM fan and for his birthday his fiance Brooke Bryant made him this excellent cake. Great job Brooke, and Kevin obviously loved it!

Really love the Cat wrestlers too. Maybe something to think about for future, long future though!

Hope the cake was as delicous as it looks! We look forward to the RUMBLESLAM themed wedding photos…..

If this has tempted you into the world of RUMBLESLAM we’ve just released the second version of the rules, so go take a look in our webstore.

If you have anything cool related to any of the TTCombat range, please send them through to

Have a great week.

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