Monday New Year Tribune Motivation

It’s the first Monday of the new year, so let’s get some Motivation going. This week we are featuring a Resistance Tribune from Dropfleet Commander by Adam Cox.

I really like the pastel blue colour with the aged brass Adam has applied to this ship. It looks sufficently space age while still having the traditional (is it traditional since the Resistance are so new?) Resistance feel to it.

Good job Adam.

If this has motivated you to try a Resistance fleet for Dropfleet Commander, or even start playing Dropfleet Commander completely as a new player, take a look at our webstore!

If you have a project you are proud of and would like to have featured in a future Monday Motivation, please send it into us at

Have a great week!

One Reply to “Monday New Year Tribune Motivation”

  1. Please, TT, relaunch Dropfleet with a revised and streamlined ruleset…remove the board clutter and focus the game on the ship to ship combat, not the ground game…

    It hurts so much to see a game with so much potential hardly being played anywhere…Especially at a time when wargaming is completely starved for fleet combat games.

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