Teaser Tuesday – A Return to Modular Venice

It’s time for another preview, this time we’re looking at more modular Streets of Venice scenery.

It’s Tuesday again, which could only mean it’s time for another Teaser Tuesday!

Last week we showed off some of Lewis’ modular Streets of Venice scenery (which you can pick up here) and this week we’re back to show off another wave of it!

First up is the Villetta Barbara. One thing that really helps in games of Carnevale is structures of various heights. Not only does it make your board look more varied, it also enables lower Dex characters to climb up to new heights.

Next up we have the Villetta  Doppia Camilla. This fancy looking two-storey building goes together quick and easy, it’s detail hides some very sneaky construction methods.

Now we have the Villetta Balcone Gratiosa. Corner buildings like this can really add to a board and with a balcony this building is great for climbing as well. This one is a three-storey kit and can add some serious height for your Capo do dive off.

To finish off our previews this week I’ll leave you with a group shot of Fridays releases. There’s a fourth building that you’ll have to wait till Friday to see properly, but I think you’ll agree that these buildings look great when combined.

If you’re looking to build a table of dense Venetian scenery these kits are perfect. We have more of these kits to release in the coming weeks. If any of these pique your interest come back on Friday for release and to see the final building in this wave!


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