Monday Motivation Factory.

This weeks Monday Motivation comes from Stef van Lin on Twitter who has used parts of our scenery range to create a factory complex.

Using parts from across our range of scenery range Stef has made a set of eye catching scenery that can be used on many tables for all sorts of games.

Using Oil Pumps combined with our Resin oil drums from Back Alley Accessories 2 he made these oil pumps:

And using Chem Vats and Generators too he can create a factory complex for any army to fight over.

To finish it off he has scratch built some walkways too:

Good job Stef, thanks for sharing with us.

If you have a project you are proud of and want it shown off on a future Monday Motivation, please send it into us at

Have a great week!


2 Replies to “Monday Motivation Factory.”

    1. It was an honour to do so! Any time you get more done, don’t be afraid to send over some pictures, Stef – we love these!

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