Teaser Tuesday – Infinity Accessories

We’re on week 3 of Infinity releases, with some cool accessories (and more)…

On Friday we’ll be having our last Infinity release for a short while, with some great accessory sets and a couple of other surprises.

We’re just going to tease two packs today, so check back on Friday for the full run down!

The first set is one that people have been asking about for a while: Infinity Objectives!

This handy set contains every objective you’ll need to take in your games of Infinity. There are Terminals, Markers, Beacons, and a Tech Coffin. You get a bunch of each of these (although only one coffin), so fret no more about what your objectives are going to look like!

The other set we’re going to look at today is the Industrial Ventilation kit.

This handy set contains just so many fans! There’s nothing more sci-fi than attaching a bunch of fans to your buildings, everyone knows that.

The fans can be used on there own as decent cover on your board, or used in conjunction with any other scenery to give a bit more interest and line of sight blocking.

We set them up on the Prefab Alpha building to show you how they look. We think they’re pretty cool! If you want a bit of extra detail on your boards, look no further than this set.


Those are two of the five sets coming out this Friday, so check back then to see what’s coming your way!

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