Teaser Tuesday – Charlie Foxtrot

Come in Charlie Foxtrot over! Time for teasers, over!

That’s right, everyone! It’s Teaser Tuesday again, and we have some brand new terrain kits for you this week.

Are you a Flames of War player? Well then sit up straight and pay attention!

This Friday we’ll be releasing a whole bunch of new 15mm kits for our World War range. Check out a few sneak peeks of them below!

The first kit is the Radar Tower. With a cute little building, some walls, and three big radars, this kit is a must for any self-respecting military commander. Or just someone making a cool board.

We’re also releasing this barn, complete with a tiny tractor and trailer! Perfect for fighting over small French hamlets.

And what’s a World War range without a Billet Hut? These come in a pack of 3 for £5, which is a real bargain!

Those are just three of the seven new products we’re releasing on Friday. Want to know more? Then stop back on Friday for all the details!

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