Monday Motivation in SPAAAAACE

We’re off to space in today’s Monday Motivation…


Jason Henley sent us some pictures of his amazing Centurions, and we knew we had to show them off to everyone.

This silver scheme is so striking! (say that five times fast)

It looks like a ship that got rushed off the production line – probably pressed into service quickly to make a fighting retreat against the Scourge when they invaded! The yellow thrusters help add a little colour, and stand out very nicely.

Jason also has another Centurion with a slightly different scheme.

Equally as striking, this blue scheme has a subtle metallic hue. The red of the Hybrid Gun Batteries makes them look very deadly indeed!

Thanks for the photos, Jason – and congratulations on the start of an awesome looking fleet.

If you have any spaceships, tanks, characters, wrestlers, buildings, trains, puppets – anything TTCombat related really – that you’re proud of, send some photos over to so we can feature them in a future Monday Motivation! There’s nothing we like more than seeing cool models!

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