New Releases – Tomb World

Step into a new world this week!

We teased them on Tuesday, and now we’re back with a whole new range of Tomb World style bases.

They come in all sorts of sizes with loads of great detail, so let’s have a look at them, shall we?

32mm Tomb World Bases

Starting off small but plentiful!

We’ve got 32mm bases, perfect for your undead robot infantry.

These bases have been designed with maximum awesomeness in mind. They’ve got big flat panels (perfect for gluing your models onto) that are bristling with alien hieroglyphs. It’s like some kind of ancient Egyptian space language.

But what you’re really asking is the price. Well, it’s £8 for 20 resin bases. That’s right, twice as many as you see here (I only painted up 1 of each – we’re on time restraints here!).

32mm Tomb World Flight Bases

These ones are a similar size, but different flavour!

At 32mm they’re great for your smaller flying robots, and they come complete with acrylic flight stands too!

The flight bases have additional raised detail like green glowing orbs or crystals, since you don’t need to attach feet to the base. Smart! Of course you don’t have to paint them green, but if you’re not doing green glowy things, are you really sure you want an army of undead space robots?

You get 10 of these flight bases for £8.

40mm Tomb World Bases

I know what you’re thinking:

“But what about my larger infantry? They need to look great too!”

Well don’t worry, fellow Egyptian robot fan, we’ve got you covered!

This pack of 10 bases are all 40mm big, which is a great size for your larger infantry (or small monsters – your pick). The price? Well still only £8!

50mm Tomb World Bases

But what about your big monsters? There are plenty of new ones kicking around at the moment.

We of course have something for you too, monster people!

You get 6 of these 50mm bases in a pack. The bigger bases are great because they’ve got that little bit extra room for all this detail. My favourite is the one with four glowy things and loads of glowy wires. Nothing says space pharoh like glowy wires, and that’s the truth.

Again, 6 of these is only £8!

60mm Tomb World Flight Bases

Bigger still? Okay!

These 60mm Flight Bases also come with flight stands, don’t worry! As with the smaller ones, because they’re flight stands we could get a bit more freeform with the detail, so there’s loads of raised detailing here, including pipes, crystals, gems, metal plates, all the good stuff!

£8 will get you all three of these with the flight stands too.

Large Tomb World Bases

Once you get this big, you’ve outgrown traditional measurements!

This next size is just massive! Suitable for all the biggest space undead you have, this pack comes with two of these big beasties. It’s got armour plates, it’s got hieroglyphs, it’s got glowy things. You know the drill.

2 of these must set you back a bit right? NOPE. £8 for 2.

Large Tomb World Flight Base

The biggest and tallest of them all!

This last one is for aircraft or spaceships or whatever you want to fly, really. It’s the same size as the Large base above, but this one comes with a hole for an acrylic flight stand in a cross shape. Oh yeah we also provide the flight stand too.

The slot for the flight stand is fully detailed though, so if you just want an alternate large base, this one world brilliantly for that too!

You get 1 base and the flight stand for – you guessed it –  £8.

There we have it, loads of new Tomb World bases! There’s enough variation there to base your entire army and it’ll look great.

If you’ve been wanting to add a little extra detail to your army (or maybe you’re rebasing your space skeletons on slightly larger bases), these are perfect. With basically no work you’ll have fully detailed (and they are super detailed) bases to match your army. Or maybe even if you’re not playing an army of future mummies, you might want to base your army to fight them? It would certainly fit with some scenic diorama bits some new models are walking over. You know the ones we mean.

If you’re excited to get basing your army with some amazing new Tomb World bases, head over to the TTCombat webstore, as they’re all out now!


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