Puppet Rampage Scenario!

It’s new scenario time for Carnevale!

To celebrate the release of our newest Carnevale kits, we’ve put together a little scenario for all you budding serial killers out there.

This scenario, titled Puppet Rampage sees Burattino the tiny puppet stalking the streets for his next victim. They won’t go gently into that good night though, and will try to fight back!

This is a fun scenario for as many players as you can wrangle! It’s a great one for introducing players to the game, since it gives everyone one character, and forgoes some of the more complicated parts of Carnevale like Magic and Agendas.

You can find the scenario to download for free in the Resources section of the Carnevale website. 


Let us know how you get on playing this one, and what characters you’re using to combat this tiny puppet! Personally I fancy a Pulcinella, but if anyone beats him with a Madman, we want to hear about that!

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