Monday Motivation – Gothic Ruined Terrain

Far off in the dystopian future, galactic battles are raged over religion, territory, and resources. Those who haven’t been killed can hunker down in this week’s amazing terrain.

Welcome to this week’s Monday Motivation and today we’re taking a look at some amazing terrain pieces built by Alex (demonforge_painting) who was kind enough to send us the pictures. Before we look at the terrain, we’d recommend everyone head to Alex’s page and check out some fantastically painted miniatures.  Find the Demonforge_Painting page here.


Forgive the unknown robotic miniature attempting to gain entry into the Servitialis but look at this terrain! Granted the roof is falling down and we’re pretty sure it won’t be stand for another year but thats not Alex’s fault. Alex has done a fantastic job assembling/painting this terrain and we like to additional base added to the structure.

We’re big fans of painted MDF in the office as thats when the creative juices start flowing. We love the dark metallic colours with the brass detailed sections really standing out next to the basic walls. That little robot is still trying to find its way into the structure but eventually it will find the gaping whole in the wall. Besides the Gothic Ruined Servitialis, Alex also painted us a corner ruin from the Hallowed Ruins set.

Similar to the Seritialis, this corner ruin looks fantastic in the almost mechanical theme. The brass tones on the buildings edges look great and like the previous building, the custom base is a nice touch. If you look at the next picture, you’ll also see some solid weathering effect and some tiny WAR posters.

Thanks for sharing your work with us Alex!

That’s it for this week’s Monday Motivation. If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post, then send us some photos to


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