WIP Wednesday – Pungari 32mm Auxiliary

Humanity was not the first race the Shaltari wanted to use as cannon fodder.

The discovery of the cradle worlds and the basic foundations of the UCM can be traced to our first contact with the Shaltari. Followed closely by their grunt-like obedient Auxiliary whose lack of intelligence is surpassed by their enthusiasm. Welcome to this week’s WIP Wednesday and today we’re happy to reveal a labour of love we’re working on, therefore meet Pungary (Working title.)


Look at him! Whose gonna conquer the galaxy for their immortal overlords? Pungary and his brethren of course. Strong, dumb, and bred in large numbers, this little chap represents all that’s great about this slave race. Armed with an oversized Discus Launcher and very little armour, Pungary is the first of his kind. Pungary will return for an update in the future, once our studio painter has had a chance to do his magic.

We’re excited to see how people build & paint this miniature when he’s released. There will be more information about Pungary in the future.

That’s it for this week’s WIP Wednesday. If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post, then send us some photos to info@ttcombat.com

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