Monday Motivation – Western Pacific Flame!

Fancy a trip to Venice? Of course not, have you seen all the Vampires, Mutants, Fish People and Religious zealots! Besides, rumour has it a new species of octopus has been spotted in the Western Pacific Ocean.

On this weeks edition of Monday Motivation were are going to be taking a look at tropical themed Flame That Burns Underwater. Jon Berenguer-Webb is a familiar name for the TTCommunity due to his painting skills. With this in mind we just had to send him a Flame to paint for the TTCombat Bromley store display. 

Now I could bore you with a in-depth description of how beautiful this thing, which of course I’ll do later. Instead Jon was kind enough to layout his creation process for everyone stating:

”I used an airbrush to begin with to undercoat it black, add a zenithal highlight from above, then to lay down the base colours. An airbrush is really good for creating a fade such as I used on the tentacles. The scales on the tentacles were first drawn in with a fine liner pen then gradually glazed highlights were added. Once a matte varnish was applied the shine of the pen dulls down to match the paint”.
You can often recognise Jon’s work thanks to his use of customised bases which often feature a water element. Luckily he’s also explained goes about creating these: ”The water effects were added with blister plastic, transparent thread and a combination of UV resin and Vallejo water texture”. In addition to water effects, Jon customised the base further with a destroyed Gondola!
Finally it would appear that a poor Capodecina was riding the now wrecked vessel as Flame hoists his head aloft for the guild to see. The dismembered body makes for quite a sight.
Thanks for all of your hard word work Jon! If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to

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