Teaser Tuesday – RUMBLESLAM & Streets of Venice

On this weeks Teaser Tuesday we are going to be covering some RUMBLESLAM and Streets of Venice (SOV.) products coming soon!

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages please prepare yourselves for these fantastical ferocious felines! One Thousand and One Fights are making their way to RUMBLESLAM this Friday.

One Thousand and One Fights

Yes! the One Thousand and One Fights are the latest addition to the Diamond Oasis roster. Now there is a lot to be said about this exotic team hailing from the desert of mummies and scorpions. The Cosmic cat exists between the cosmos, providing support through teleportation and slowing down time itself. The Rostani Thief, Brawler and Charmer are all capable fighters who’ll prove a challenge for any team.

Now onto some new MDF from the Streets of Venice range (SOV.) coming out on Friday!

Modular Procuratie Angolo Nuove

The Modular Procuratie Angolo Nuove is a regal multi storey building which thanks to its sloped roof can be used for skirmishing or escaping perusers.  The raised arches will allow players to use the ground space beneath the structure and is great for breaking line of sight.

Modular Procuratie Arcade

The Modular Procuratie Arcade combines a set of 3, two storey buildings which can be joined and combined into a single structure. Offering a wide raised surface above the streets, these roof tops will be the perfect place to launch an ambush on the unexpecting Rashaar below.

That’s it for teasers this week, be sure to check back on Friday to see the full release. In the meantime head over to the TTCombat webstore to access our full range of Resin and MDF.

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