WIP Wednesday – Destroyed City Streets

Hello everybody. Remember when your mom said don’t play with a ball in the house? Well we didn’t listen and we played with a few explosive devices, in the house. Correction, houses.

Welcome to Work In Progress Wednesday. This week we have some old favourites that have been re-worked to give your table top a completely different look. Like a night and day kind of feel except for immaculate and derelict.

We are working on some of the City Streets scenery, smashing walls, removing roofs and blowing up BBQ’s.

So if you already own Eagle Estates Residence or Timber Retreat then these will be a treat. Same kits, completely new look and so many more places to hide. Each kit can be split into various parts allowing for more playability and scenery separation.

Lone Pine Residence and Coyote Manor have also been re-worked in the same way. Allowing for a freshly destroyed look and a whole new array of scenarios and game play. These kits are also separable allowing you to create a scattered scenery table. Imagine a tornado hit your table top, these would be the carcases left behind of your beloved scenery.

Sanctuary Junction is currently in the works as well as a few others. Keep an eye on the  TTCombat site for when these will be released.

The City Street Ruined kits will be very available soon but feel free to see the rest of the TTCombat range right here.


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