New Releases: Freighter Graveyard

We’ve been teasing this set for a while now and its finally here, Freighter Graveyard is available right now, right here!

This a whole new range within our Sci-Fi Gothic scenery which we are very excited about, and this weeks releases give you an excellent starting point to dive right in.

Lets take a look over what is available in more detail.

Freighter Graveyard: Small Containers

The core of the Freighter Graveyard set, containers!

The small containers are fully stackable, aim up high or spread out across the table, the options are yours. Included are removable ladders and legs, enabling you to set this out how you would like for full playability.

The different sized containers provide excellent cover and vantage points. You just need to add a flag at the top to capture.

Build the container yard you have always wanted for just £16.

Freighter Graveyard: Crane

Naturally the containers will need moving about and we have just the thing. The big show, the centre piece to your table, this monstrous crane. If your game needs some height, this provides ample.

Did we mention its mobile? The arm lifts and the body rotates, add two playable platforms (three if you include the arm) and you have an excellent piece of scenery for your games.

It maybe made for Freighter Graveyard but it will work well with our other industrial sets too.

The crane is available right now for only £20!

Freighter Graveyard: Large Containers

If the small container set wasn’t enough, there is also the big version!

The large containers are made to work with the small set and stack together. You really can building a mammoth container yard. The platforms from the other sets in this weeks release will come in incredibly useful!

The large container set is available now for £20.

Freighter Graveyard: Inspection & Clearance

Unchecked containers can bring a whole host of issues, so be sure to have them swing by inspection and clearance!

This building offers a fully playable exterior and interior, take advantage of the high ground or prepare for an ambush. The rear of the building provides room for containers full of goodies for you to retrieve or as extra cover for a standoff.

With two platforms included, you aren’t just limited to one playable area, stackable and functional to get you moving across the board quickly, these are a useful asset!

The Inspection & Clearance building can be snapped up for £16.

Freighter Graveyard: Distro Hub

For when you need to get business done there is the Distro Hub. This kit features a fully playable interior and exterior with removable floor and roof. Front, rear, inside or above, there are plenty of places for ambushes and cover.

The platforms are made to work perfectly with the container sets. Fully stackable, the only limit is the number of platforms you have. Everything is about playability with this kit.

The generators on the roof are freestanding accessories, keep them up there or on the ground for some objective based gameplay.

This is a whole lot of function for just £20!


All of these releases can be found on our webstore right now! That is all for this weeks releases. Im sure you agree there is plenty for you to get building that new game table and we would absolutely love to see what you do with them. Be sure to send photos to info@ttcombat and you could get featured on Monday Motivation.

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