Teaser Tuesday, now with more ‘slam!

I don’t know how it’s July already, but I do know it’s Teaser Tuesday! So lets get this show on the road.

What a show it is! RUMBLESLAM has got TLC! That’s Tables, Ladders & Chests to you and me! Oh, and theres some chairs too, but TLC just doesn’t have the same finesse.

Up for Pre-Order this Friday, TLC is sure to make an impact in all your matches. We’ve been playtesting this for a while now and we really think you’re going to love it. This add on has got new resin accessories, features and rules! So lets take a tour of just some of what is coming.

It’s quite the expansion bundle, you get all this and a Dirty Ring mat to play on. Three new game modes are also included with the new rules expansion making this all playable!

This expansion is bringing new heights, quite literally. The higher you go, the more damage your turnbuckle attacks are going to have. Whether you want to risk the heights of the ladder or take a cheeky dive from the chair, the options are yours.

Three new game modes come with TLC. One of which is Dosh Grabbers, which we’re particularly fond of. In Dosh Grabbers you make your way to the top of the biggest object to grab a whole load of Dosh! Maybe you discover a briefcase of wealth or maybe you get bitten by a mimic which then runs away. The outcome is anyone’s guess.

Speaking of “biggest object”, this mammoth statue is indeed to scale. It’s enormous and yes you can climb up to the top. Only the bravest of superstars are going to want to climb to those heights for a high flying move but you know the crowd will love it!

The new rules deserve their own post so we shall delve into those more later in the week. Be sure to keep an eye out for that post!

Whether you’re enamoured by the awesome new objects (that Mimic is a true beauty) or you’re looking forward to a new way to play RUMBLESLAM, you can get it all, Pre-Order this Friday!

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