We’re heading to the RUMBLESLAM ring and back in time to the USSR today with our new releases.

Where to start? With so much to look at, we better get stuck in!

It’s Friday, which means new release day, and there’s a bunch to look at, whether you’re a wrestling fan or a historical gamer.

Brutally Devious Shadow Mania

First on the list, the next in our new booster boxes for RUMBLESLAM. We’ve seen the Headliners and the Mighty Madcaps, and now we’re heading to Gomorrah to meet Brutally Devious Shadow Mania.

This new set is a companion box for the Twisted Shadows. They work excellently as an add-on to the Elf set, but also are a fantastic team in their own right.

Brutally Devious Shadow Mania- you know what, let’s just call them BDSM for now. Anyway! BDSM are a weird team with some very interesting new characters. The Shadow Flayer literally steals other people’s Crowd Pleasers, while the Shadowling Hanger can fly about the ring dropping turnbuckle attacks on anyone in range (and that is a long range). The two Elves do something a bit different each: The Narcissist gets super powered up when the crowd is paying attention – cheers or boos, he doesn’t care. The Dark Elf Sadist loves nothing more than stabbing their foes, and draws power from their pain. Finally the Throwing Shade can jump around the ring through the shadows, throwing tendrils at opponents and generally being great at everything.

This new set is available for pre-order now, for £25.


Of course we wouldn’t have a Gomorrah release without a Gomorrah superstar, and who better than Arachne, Queen in Charge of Spiders?

Arachne is something a bit special for Gomorrah players, since she’s the very first Weight 3 Superstar they’ve had! And she’s a real powerful wrestler as well as looking really, really awesome.

Part person, part spider, she’s excellent at attacking, can trap opponents in webs, and also able to shoot web at the side of the ring, creating new ropes to bounce off.

If that sounds good, she’s now available for £12 for that big ol’ spider butt.

Moote Carlo Superstars

We’ve also got four new Moote Carlo wrestlers today. Two Superstars and a Tag Team!

Peyote Pete brings some offensive power, able to shoot needles, stab opponents when they try to grapple him, and jump down with colossal force. He’s a solid Weight 2 wrestler who makes a fantastic all-rounder. Just be careful when painting you don’t get a needle in your finger!

Ppiñama is a weird wrestler to  be sure! Made of candy, he’s a massive Weight 5, although loses some weight every time he gets hit as the candy spills out. Get in there quick and you’ll be able to scoop it up and heal your wrestlers. Yum!

Pedro & Dedro are the Moote Carlo Tag Team, and they’re both the same person? Dedro is the dead version of Pedro (big surprise there right). Both characters are excellent at supporting their team, either able to activate friendly Crowd Pleasers or stopping opponents from using theirs.

All four Superstars are available for pre-order now! Peyote Pete is £8, Ppiñama comes in at £12, and the Tag Team of Pedro & Dedro are £15 for the both.

World War Ruined Buildings

We’ve also got some great new MDF kits available this week. For our World War range we have more USSR styled sets, perfect for your historical games.

The Ruined Offices set contains four buildings’ worth of scenery, all smash apart! In fact the set actually has seven different pieces, mostly ruined corner pieces, but some bigger bits as well.

This kit – at only £22 – is a real bargain! Not only do these Ruined Offices look great, but with seven pieces you’ll be able to fill out your board easily and affordably.

Meanwhile the Ruined Factory trades multiple small pieces for one massive wrecked up factory! The kit is really big and gives loads of playing space. Not only are there two floors, but plenty of ruined bits to shoot from, which makes it an excellent building to hold for your troops.

At £16 this kit is a bargain and complements the Ruined Offices perfectly.

Industrial USSR

Not only buildings, we’ve got even more USSR inspired terrain which adds a distinctly industrial look to your board.

The tallest kit of the week and most imposing, the Coal Elevator is truly a fantastic centrepiece! The ruined design means that the extra pieces of chute can provide excellent cover, maying hiding from enemy snipers on top!

There are plenty of spaces to put your miniatures, with ladders that go all the way to the top. The Coal Elevator is a really unique kit and only £22 in the webstore.

Oh and if you like this kit but would prefer it if it were a dice tower, please email us to let us know. Ben desperately doesn’t want to make it into a dice tower and we all really do, so if we get enough people asking, we’ll bully him into doing it!

You should be getting a good idea of the board you could build by now, with the Factory Crane fitting the bill for a fully industrial slice of the USSR. You can just imagine avoiding spotlights as your infantry dart up to get close to this excellent firing point.

The Factory Crane (which yes, does indeed swivel round) is available now for £12.

Our last kit today (phew, my fingers are getting tired from typing) is the Water Storage Tanks set. Three big tanks in verious states of ruin and one taller water tower provide excellent cover and line of sight blocking, as well as adding a great thematic style to your board. They’re bigger than they look, check the page for scale shots!

This set of four pieces is £12.

And there we have it!

All the new RUMBLESLAM miniatures are available to pre-order right now, to be released next Friday. Meanwhile all of the World War scenery is out right now, being cut on the lasers as I type!

So what are you waiting for? Go over to the TTCombat webstore and have a look at all these new goodies – there are plenty of pictures waiting for you.

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