LGT 2020

The LGT is coming fast!

We’re gearing up for a whole year of great gaming, and one of the first opportunities for UK folks is the London Grand Tournament!

On June 27th and 28th we’ll be attending the Lee Valley Athletics centre with thousands of other gamers.

Whilst there we’ll be running tournaments for RUMBLESLAM, Dropfleet Commander, Dropzone Commander and Carnevale!

So whether you’re dusting off your wrestlers for the new edition, adding brand new ships to your fleet, wanting to play the 2.1 version of Dropzone or even showing your supremacy of the Venetian canals, this is the event for you!

Tickets are on sale now, and selling fast, so:

Click here to go to the LGT store and pick up your ticket.


The tournament packs are up there too, so you can see what you’re getting into, or get some practice games in.

We’ll also be on site during the tournaments, so the creators of the games can answer your questions and have a chat between rounds! Get your tickets today, and we’ll see you then!

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