Dropfleet Narrative Campaign -Amundsen Gambit-

There is a narrative Dropfleet Commander campaign being organised by one of our TTAgents and all Dropfleet Commander players are invited to play!

Chris Visser, one of our TTAgents has started this narrative grow league with his gaming club and all players are welcome to join, if you are part of a gaming club you can get everyone signed up.

Rather than badly explain everything myself, Chris very kindly sent through some information so here it is!

We kick off the Amundsen Gambit, a global, narrative Dropfleet Commander grow league on Monday, 17 February 2020!

What does all of that mean?

In a nutshell, it is a league where every month the size of your fleet increases. The results of YOUR battles affect how the story develops and anyone from all over the globe can participate.

You can find the campaign pack here: Amundsen Gambit Campaign – Round 1

Who can participate?

Anyone from all over the world can join in.

The event is hosted by one of the TTAgents and their club.

All you and your opponent need to do is register on the website in the campaign pack and log the results from your battles using the submission form on the site during the period for each round.

There will be a leaderboard that shows the rankings of each player participating in the league. The faction leaderboard, in turn, will show how the different factions are performing against each other and how the war is progressing.

Players are awarded additional campaign points for sharing their battle reports.

How do the fleets grow?

During each round the size of fleets and complexity increases. This allows new players to easily get involved while learning the rules and veterans to start a new fleet.

The first round starts at 550 points which amount to the starter box for each faction. This allows new players to get to grips with the game.

Round two, we up the size to 999 points and introduce an Admiral into the mix. At this point, you usually know which parts of your faction you enjoy and add a second starter assembled in different configurations with a handful of corvettes. If you decide you want to rather add some destroyers into the mix, you can even go down that path.

Finally, in round three we reach 1500 points and over the course of previous months, you have built a tournament sized fleet for Dropfleet Commander. How you increase your fleet at his level is up to you, although some folks will add battlecruisers, battleships or even a fearsome dreadnaught to their fleets.

How do we affect the narrative?

Simple, by submitting the results of your battles and sharing the great scenes. At the end of each round, we look at the results and tell the story of how the battles affected the outcome of the story.

The outcome of the battles will also influence the creation of special scenarios from Round 2 onwards based on the results of the previous rounds.

The start of the story revolves around retaking the Southern Hemisphere while the Triumvirate prepares to assault the city of Amundsen on Antarctica and the jump node above it.

Will you lead your fleet as part of the Triumvirate and liberate your homeworld from the parasitic Scourge and those who would stand in your way? Lock on to recently reactivated jump nodes around Earth and make it so.

Do you want the Scourge to push the forces of the Triumvirate from their domain? Awaken your fleet and take the fight to those who dare to disturb you.

Just what are the mysterious plans of the Shaltari tribes? To prove themselves in battle? Or something far more insidious?

So what are you waiting for? Download the campaign pack  (Amundsen Gambit Campaign – Round 1), mobilise your friends and leave your mark during the Amundsen Gambit!

Thanks Chris, this is going to be a lot of fun and we look forward to talking more about it over the coming months!

If you don’t play Dropfleet Commander but this seems interesting to you, why not take a look at the Dropfleet Commander range in our webstore.

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