Monday Super Runic Thunder Motivation

It’s time for some Monday Motivation. This week we are back with Rumbleslam and the Runic Thunder and some Superstars sent in by Raul Galan Martinez.

We love these brightly painted RUMBLESLAM wrestlers. And with the background they’ve been photographed with it looks like they are ready for a Back Alley Brawl. We have the Runic Thunder backed up by Ronnie Salvage, Vitamir and the Statesman. A team ready for anyone.

Great job Raul. I’m sure these wrestlers will do very well in the ring in their games of RUMBLESLAM!

If you haven’t played RUMBLESLAM yet we really do recommend you check it out on our web store.

And remember, as always, if you have a project you are proud off, whatever it is, so long as it’s used some TTCombat products, please send some pictures in to Especially anything unusual, we love those!

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