WIP Wednesday – Modular Streets of Venice

It’s all about Streets of Venice this week, so what’s on the cutting mat?

We’ve got a little teaser today of what’s coming to Venice in the future.

I’ve been chatting about these kits for a little while, and we showed a couple of them off at UK Games Expo for those most eagle-eyed visitors.

This is a new range of kits in Streets of Venice, which adds to the existing kits, which we’ve seen updated and expanded upon in the last few months.

Let’s have a look at three of the buildings.

This first one is a little kit that makes a single-storey house. With slightly arched roof sections it’s easy to put models on when they’re climbing all over the place.

You’ll notice some little notches taken out of the bottom step. There’s good reason for that…

The second one from the thumbnail is this two-storey arch. This neat little kit gives a lot of mobility on the ground floor while retaining the solid walls you need to populate your board.

You’ll notice that it’s got a bit of a weird pattern of wood on the base. How intriguing…

Finally we have this massive three-storey building with a balcony. This big one is a kind of weird shape, but still has lots of gaming area on it.

These new kits forgo the interior detailing of some of our other kits, which means they all feature closed shutters and doors. Carnevale doesn’t see characters going inside anyway, so we thought we’d cut out the interiors. It really cuts the cost of the kits right down – this one for example looks like it might be coming in at only £5!

Modular Buildings

Okay, here’s the secret that’s not really a secret since it’s in the title…

These buildings are all modular!

Now, that doesn’t mean you can pull bits off and stick them together in different ways (although on some you probably can with a bit of work), but that they all piece together to make different looking groups of buildings.

Venice is a small place, and every bit of real estate is used up. That means you have weird collections of buildings that look like they’ve grown up independently from each other. That’s something we’ve wanted to show in the kits for a little while, and this new range does that!

That weird lattice on the arch building and the gaps on the step on the others are how this works. We’ll go more into detail when these get released, but there are small clips that come with the kits. Pop them in place and you can link all the buildings together. They’re all meticulously designed to fit up against every other building (aside from where the balcony sticks out of course!) with no gaps between the walls either.

We’ve designed a fair few of these already, and will have more coming to the design room soon too. So you’ll be able to make weird mixed buildings on your Venetian boards to really bring the city to life! Considering the low cost of these kits too, it should not only be easy, but super affordable to make a packed out city!

Don’t forget that this is Work in Progress Wednesday, so all of these kits may have changes before release.

We’ll have more on these exciting new kits soon, so keep an eye out on TTCommunity for more details!

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