Teaser Tuesday – Up & Down in the Canals

We’ve got our second wave of Streets of Venice streets this week, let’s have a tease!

That’s right, we have not one, but two weeks of Streets of Venice board tile sections, with wave 2 hitting the digital shelves on Friday.

Last week saw Venice rise out of the water with the Raised Street sections, but this week we’re getting right down to water level.

Following on from last week, we have some more stairs coming your way on Friday. This set contains two small and a medium stair section with just a single height.

You can use them not only to go up and down from the water, but can stack them onto other regular sections to make stairs up to the raised platforms.

Expect these stair sections in all sizes on Friday!

We’ve also got a new sort of set, which is the Ruined Streets sections. There are two different types; this is the Small Ruined Streets pack.

These offer an absolute ton of options, making your Venetian boards more exciting-looking than ever. Each section is smashed in a different way, with loads of rubble underneath. They are designed to fit together in loads of different ways, meaning two boards need never look the same!

The Large Ruined Streets pack takes up a lot more space on the board, and there’s an entire extra piece to add to this too!

This is the equivalent of a Plaza section in the full range – looks like something heavy has landed right in the middle!

That’s not all for this one though…

The Plaza section comes apart into two completely different pieces! It locks together nicely to make one big section, but the separate sections allow you to fill up a lot more of the board, and give loads of ways to assemble your streets!


We’ve got a couple more pieces and a whole extra kit to release on Friday, so check back then for more Venetian goodies!

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