LGT Terrain – Out the Door!

It’s LGT update time!

We’ve been busy working away laser cutting just a whole load of scenery.

This is the second batch of terrain that we’re shipping off to the good folks at the London Grand Tournament!

Each board is going to have a lot of scenery to play on! Fully detailed MDF laser cut scenery (our speciality) will be adorning the tables this year.

For those that missed our announcement earlier this year, we’ve designed an entire range of scenery kits specifically for the London Grand Tournament.

The kits were designed with a competitive environment in mind, so feature very distinct footprints and line of sight blocking elements. No debates over scenery in these games!

The hill piece is also completely modular, so you can split it up into 3 scenery pieces or stack it in a ridiculous number of combinations.

This set is actually available to order in the TTCombat webstore, in case you want to get some practice games in first, or are thinking about running your own tournament. You can pick up the kits separately, or in bigger bundles – enough for a smaller board (around 4’x4′) or a larger (6’x4′) board.

We’re excited to see what the LGT team do with all these scenery pieces, and – I’m sure much like you – are keen to see them all painted! It’ll be quite a spectacle!

Are you going to the London Grand Tournament this year? Excited to play on these boards? Sound off!

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