In today’s work in progress Wednesday we take a look at our newest models to enter the ring.

Fin is off today to I have raided his painting desk for new things to show you! Don’t tell him I touched his stuff.

From the recent halfling kickstarter we have some new wrestlers, of course they are all halfling’s but this time with a Luchadore twist.

These guys are not quite finished yet, so there are going to be changes to this paint job before you see them properly at release.

Next up we have the Halfling Referee (also from the kickstarter), This model comes complete with a tradition Cornish Pasty in hand. You can’t make good refereeing decisions on an empty stomach!

You’ll be able to find these miniatures in the Rumbleslam section of the TTCombat store in the coming months, if you can’t wait that long there are plenty of other teams to pick up, paint and play between now and then.

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