Welcome to the Church of Dagon

The Church of Dagon? Never heard of that denomination. Let’s find out more!

Our other big release this Friday is the Church of Dagon.

This box might look quite different to the Rashaar you’re used to, so we’ve brought in a Dagonite Priest to explain everything you need to know about the cult.

Who Are the Church of Dagon?

Put simply: we’re the good guys.

No, really!

If you’re a resident of Venice since the Rent in the Sky, you’ve probably seen our worshippers. You can find us on most street corners preaching sermons and handing out pamphlets. But we are different from basically ever other group in Venice trying to tell you the end of the world is nigh.

If you’re down on your luck, look no further than the Church of Dagon.

We’ll hand out clothes and food. We’ll protect you if you need it, and shelter you if you don’t have a roof over your head.

There’s no payment required for any of our help, but seeing as you asked… have you ever thought about coming to a prayer meeting at one of the Church of Dagon’s many places of worship?

But Who is Dagon?

Put simply, Dagon is a god of love and creation. Dagon is older than life on Earth, almost older than time itself. Other religions have given Dagon other names: God, Allah, Zeus… the list is plentiful. However, all have twisted the true vision of Dagon.

The Rent in the Sky was a portent by Dagon, unhappy with the way humanity portrayed our divine creator. This is obviously true since the Vatican was the centre of the catastrophe, and that should be all you need as proof with no follow up questions thank you.

Life in the Church of Dagon

The Church treats its worshippers well, offering you a comfortable living with other members, free to express yourself and absolutely free to go outside whenever you want. Most worshippers choose of their own free will to move to San Canciano to live amongst other true believers. It’s such a nice place in the sunken district that very few ever want to leave, and that’s the truth.

Those seen outside of the district often have glazed over expressions and a single-mindedness that is so common to people that have discovered the warmth of true purpose, but don’t let that stop you from introducing yourself! Our disciples are very happy to help whenever you need.

By the way, where did we land on that prayer meeting?

Why Do Your Worshippers Have Weird… Mutations?

Mutations? You must be mistaken. Our followers wear the robes of the Church, eschewing other possessions and living a pious life.

Such is the true word of Dagon that most worshippers join the Church and families stay for generations. Children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren have grown up inside the warmth of the Church of Dagon.

Wait, I mean, we’d like to have all those people eventually. The Church has only been in Venice for two years, how on earth could we have that many generations already? That would be ludicrous! Anyway, I’ve got to go! There’s a ritua- I mean prayer meeting about to start and if I’m late the followers might wake from the spel- I mean deep meditation on the one true god, benevolent Dagon.


Okay! That sure answers all the questions I have about this wonderful order. I absolutely misspoke earlier calling them a cult. Obviously that’s not the case.

We’ll be back tomorrow with the new releases and some more information about the Gifted. Until then, m̸̞̼̖̼̰̲̒̀́́̍̍͝͝͝ͅḡ̸̛̰̲̲̞̬͓̂̌͂̐̓̋͆͊̈́̉͘͝g̶̨̊͗̾̐̃̀̂̀̅̑͆́͘͝͝ó̵̧͙̣̳̩̘͙̦̙̒̈̓̈́̚k̴̼͈̻̣͖͈̠̗̣̫̠͊͑̏̏͌͊̾̚͜ͅá̶̙̮̺̗͈ ̴͖̼̮̜͉̻̪̜̇͝ç̶̹̖̥̠̖̼̪͇͖̫͕͎̿̈́̾͂̀͐̓̓͐͂̊̀̚͘ą̶͓̹͈̪̠̣͉̪̙͉̓͛͋͘ͅr̸͎̫̼͕͉̩̖̪̲̈́̕͜͝e̶͙͙̭̥̜̣̪̮̔̍͛̌̔̂̿̚ ̸͖̹̻̾̾r̷̪̦͍̱̟̐͐̿̃͜i̴̡͉͓̼̘̰̙͎̞̝̘̱̗͝u̸̧̡̙͉̰͈͙̫̺̖̹̬͗͑͊̋̉̀͋̕͠h̸̡̯͖͍͉̻͑̈͒̓͂͝’̵̬̖̹̣̩͓̦͖̣̯͓̭͔̭̽͋̀͑̕͜e̷̢̮̣̻̥̯̼̥̣͖̻̿̾̈̃̌̐̿̄͑̐̽̓͜ͅo̶̩͔̫̠̠̯̬̜̩̱͌̈́͆̆̀̑̂͆̚͝r̶̛̙͙̘͖̦̄̅̓̈́̋̑

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