Dropfleet Commander 2.0 Staff Tournament

There can only be one winner (and three decent painters)…

With the launch of Dropfleet Commander 2.0 it felt like the right time to hold a staff tournament. Like many epic adventures, it started with an internal email calling for all would-be commanders to report for duty. Perhaps people just really love Dropfleet or more likely they wanted the bragging rights because we had lots of applicants. Now let’s see some paint jobs…

16 Commanders have been armed with 1000-point fleets comprised of a core box, light ship sprue, and a single battlecruiser. Factions were randomly assigned with each faction represented by multiple players. Whilst our tournament has yet to kick off (24th of October) we’ll be having three weeks of games to determine who the ultimate commander is. We’ll also be holding a vote to select the best-painted fleet.

Stay tuned to TTCommunity as we’ll be back soon with a report from our first epic clash!

If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery.

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