Monday Motivation – The Gifted miniatures by a gifted painter

Flying, Jumping, and generally getting around Venice in the most unique ways possible, the Gifted do like to draw attention to themselves.

Welcome to this week’s Monday Motivation and to start the week off, we’re taking a look at some of Jon Berenguer-Webb’s work. Now Jon certainly isn’t a stranger to TTCommunity and has featured multiple times in the past but this time he’s showing off his whole Gifted gang. The Gifted is the most flamboyant group in Carnevale so it’s always great to see when the miniatures reflect this.

JON B-W Gifted Gang 

The gangs are all here! Never one to keep miniatures basic, Jon loves nothing more than creating amazing custom bases, converted miniatures, and fantastic paint jobs. Containing new and old Gifted characters, La Signora, Mezzetino, Scapino, Harlequin, Fadhila, and more this is an impressive collection. The Duke in particular looks impressive atop his custom base. With the ability to appear and disappear, the Duke is difficult to keep in one place and Jon’s smoke effect base is a great idea.

Zovena Vela is a living flame. With the Rent infusing her with explosive powers, she looks amazing atop this custom base with its LED light contained within. Illuminating the lower sections of the miniature, she looks ready to take flight. I really like the darker paint scheme for this miniature as it helps to highlight the vibrant base tones.

Instead of rolling through the streets or jumping from the tallest buildings, the Harlequin has taken to the canals. Taking a resin Gondola pole and mounting it to the standard base, Jon created an amazing water scene. Besides the water effect is a great idea, the leaping Rashaar hand from the water looks awesome and the bloody sword is also pretty clever.

Thanks for sharing this with us Jon!

TTCombat Paint Range!

TTCombat is launching an exciting new paint range with over 60 colours and 12 washes! Designed from the ground up by using the latest paint technology and developed by our studio painter and a team of professionals, the Kickstarter launches today!

That’s it for today! If your a running an event or a store that stocks TTCombat products, make sure you reach out and we’ll feature you on our Social Media Channels. 

Finally, If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post. Please send us some photos to

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