Ready for an update…
Dropfleet Commander January FAQ and Errata
Since our last FAQ and errata we’ve had plenty of feedback on both rules and balance. After no small amount of help from our Agents compiling this feedback and testing these changes, we’re ready to set these changes out into the wild!
New Rules!
To aid in the unintentionally underpowered Shaltari regaining some of their lost damage potential, we’ve added in the new rule Reave-X. Reave functions similar to Scald, in that crits grant an amount of negative modifier to the targets save value against that hit, but works at any range, not just within Scan. This rule has been added to many Shaltari weapons as well as a small amount of weapons throughout the game (like Bioficer Scythes instead of their previous Burnthrough rule).
The second new rule isn’t new per-se, you’ll have already seen this on Bioficer Scythes and the Shaltari Strontium. This update just codifies it into a generic named special rule, Anti Wing, that you’ll find listed in the weapon stats instead of separately on the ship stats sheet.
Often Posited Conundrums
Many new FAQ’s and answers have been added, we’ve tried to include as many of these as possible, including whether Space Stations are Dropsites, and how High Power interacts with Orders and other special rules.
Balance Updates
A great many ships have had their stats adjusted, from simple points changes to complete overhauls of weapons, you can find a list of all the changes in this update at the end of the FAQ document. The big changes in this update are sweeping points adjustments to carriers, as well as points increases to Famous and Faction admirals.
To make up for that last point, we’re also introducing Admiral Level 1 Faction admirals, these allow you access to a single optional ability as well as coming with a single ability of their own.
Since our last FAQ and errata we’ve had plenty of feedback on both rules and balance. After no small amount of help from our Agents compiling this feedback and testing these changes, we’re ready to set these changes out into the wild!