Praise Be To Dagon! – Assembling the Dagon’s Adherents box.

Praise be to Dagon and his mighty fine miniatures…

Assembling Carnevale miniatures game characters is easy and yet some people don’t like resin miniatures (we know this is shocking). Thankfully one of our talented TTAgents Jon B-W has kindly put together an assembly guide for Dagons latest servants. This will help you learn how to tackle resin products!

The following is written by TTAgent Jon B-W. 


Praise Be To Dagon – His followers are easy to build

Dagon’s Adherents is the most recent release for the Rashaar faction and expands the Church of Dagon sub faction, as well as providing a very potent, combat focussed leader in the Thalidraur. In this 3 part article I’ll be going over the models themselves and how to build them, then how to paint them, and then finally how to play them!

If you’ve never worked with resin miniatures, then one thing to keep in mind is that they will require thorough cleaning before assembly and painting. The models often have a greasy release agent on them (from when they were in the mould) so you’ll need to clean them in lukewarm water with some washing up liquid, then scrub them with an old toothbrush. I normally do this process twice then rinse with clean water and one final scrub to get the soapy residue off. Once dried they can be assembled with super glue and painted.

They will also likely need trimming and some mould lines sanding down. I use
clippers and an emery board for this. You do occasionally get miscasts or air pockets in the miniatures but TTCombat are very good at replacing any miscast models so simply drop them an email.

The Thalidraur is a huge model, filling it’s 50mm base. It’s a 5 part model and goes together very easily with a small amount of gap filling necessary around the tail and arms. As this is a leader and a centrepiece model I decided to model a wooden pier for the base, made from lolly sticks and extra long matches.

The Paliaa is a support hero choice dressed in long flowing robes with 2 command points and an ability to give out frenzy. This is a 4 part model on a 40mm base and is very simple to go together with no issues. I decided to extend the hood of mine further over the face with some greenstuff so that it looked more mysterious!

The Demagogue is a human member of The Church of Dagon, armed with a
smoking incense burner and burning brand. It’s a good support piece with plenty of command points and is handy in combat too! The model is in 2 parts and although the wrist seems like a weak join it goes together well and seems sturdy enough.

The 2 Dagon Fanatics are lovely dynamic models and seem like they’re going to be really useful units with their aerial attack ability. They’re both 4 part models and are excellent sculpts. The Female Fanatic is leaning as she runs and with such a small contact point on the base I decided to pin mine. I used a paperclip drilled into her foot and the base, and then I positioned a coil of rope, from the Carnevale scatter terrain, to add more interest to the base and also provide some additional support.

Once stuck together they were all primed black ready to begin painting.

Overall this seems an excellent addition to the Rashaar and provides some very different troops to the standard aquatic monsters. You get a very combat focussed leader, 2 heroes to provide support and use command points, plus some excellent henchmen to make use of buildings, something which the Rashaar have been lacking. I look forward to trying these out on the tabletop!

Next up I’ll be showing you how I went about painting them!

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