Perfectly balanced, as all things should be…
Now is the opportunity to let us know what you think of Dropzone Commander’s current gameplay state. Alex from Bottom of the Barrel is back on TTCommunity to outline his current project and how you could get involved.
The following is written by Alex.
Hello Commanders. Alex here again from Bottom of the Barrel Battle Reports, with an exciting bit of news for you.
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be…
Back in February 2024 I ran a community survey for Dropzone Commander, asking people to submit any feedback they had about any and every unit in the game. People were asked how likely they were to field a unit, how internally balanced (i.e., how well did it compare to other units that did the same role in the same faction) and how externally balanced they thought it was (how it compared to its equivalents in other factions). Finally, there was an open space for every unit for any other comments or thoughts.
This was hugely successful and gave TTCombat a massive pile of data, and directly led to the balance pass Dropzone got a couple of months later. This reined in some of the stronger “auto-take” units in the game, breathed new life into choices that often didn’t see the tabletop and generally shook up the game (in a good way!).
Somehow even more balanced than before…
So, the better part of a year later, it’s time to do it again! I’ve put together a google form for each faction in the game, plus one for feedback on the “Experimental Rules” that can be found in the official FAQ. Finally, there’s a form for any FAQ requests – if you find yourself with a rules query you can’t get an official answer for, this is the place.
Please take a look and fill in any that are of interest. There’s no need to do every faction or every unit, but make sure to click through to the end of any form you do fill in and submit it, or your answers won’t be saved.
I’ll keep the forms open and let this run for December, then pass the results on to TTCombat to digest in the new year. The more feedback they get, the better they can make the next version of the game, so don’t hold back!*
Have your say
Scourge –
Shaltari –
Resistance –
Experimental rules –
FAQ requests –
Looking forward to seeing the results!
*Alright, maybe hold back a little. Just because one time you got tabled by a whoops-all-Pungari list, there’s no need to make it personal.