Halloween Work Painting Contest!

It’s time to unbolt the doors and put the Ouija back into the cupboard as Halloween has passed for another year. Luckily we ran a little staff painting contest to let our demons out!

Welcome to this week’s Monday Motivation and today we have some of the TTCombat staff’s latest offerings to reveal. Usually, we hold contests at work to have a laugh and remember to enjoy the hobby side of our jobs. The latest contest’s theme was ‘Halloween’, that’s it a pretty vague title in the hope of getting some awesome miniatures and again our staff delivered.


BOO! He scared you didn’t he, don’t lie. Peyote Pete is the prickliest wrestler in RUMBLESLAM but behind that devious smile lurks a dark secret. Pete is a huge Halloween fan! He’s such a fan of this yearly event that he’s become ‘Pumpkin Pete’ and is going around the Moote Carlo hunting anyone who dares to harm an innocent little pumpkin. This miniature is a bloody mess and looks fantastic. In particular, I love the green stuff little pumpkins.


How many people has Michael Myers killed? Using a combination of Green Stuff, time, and, skill Matt has turned one of Kaiser Palaces’ heroes into a killer. Statesman has left his life in the RUMBLESLAM ring behind and has now taken to hunting Laurie Strode. Using Green stuff to sculpt a pretty awesome mask and knife, Matt has done a great job recreating an iconic movie villain on a miniature scale.


”The Dark lord will rise again and devour the world!” – Halfling Fire Wizard.

A dark ritual is taking place deep in the god’s Forrest and no Halfling will be safe when this corpse rises from the ground. Moisha has channeled her darker demons with this diorama in an attempt to get into the Halloween spirit. Using TTCombat Halflings, we can see the Wizard and Townsfolk performing the ritual on a homemade foam base. I like the originality of this idea and love the Wizard’s paint job.


The largest entry in our work contest (Possibly ever) Mark has painted up this Plague Giant from Max Mini. A towering miniature that would crush all other entries if its massive axe fell, Marks’s giant is all about painting quality. The axe looks fantastic and I love the detail in the twin heads. I only wish there was a Halfling running for its life so everyone could get an idea of this miniatures scale!


No nope, no hell NAH! Kids can be scary at the best of times and we’ve all seen horror movies where the kids was the true villain (I’m looking at you Andy from Toy Story). Using an unreleased miniature from Carnevale, Jay is giving her some serious sinister vibes with this multi-tone black and white paint job. I really love the little splatter of blood coming out of the pram where the poor baby spilled its juice.


What do you do when the sharks decide to get out of the water? RUN! Of course and never look back. James is the deviant who is responsible for this massacre on the docks. Using a Hammerhead Karcharos as the monster, these poor fishing Halflings did not stand a chance. I’m a big fan of this Diorama and James’ homemade dock. The painting is solid and for a Halloween-themed contest entry, the more blood the better.

TTCombat Paint Range

TODAY is the last chance to back the TTCombat paint range on Kickstarter! The campaign has been funded but there is still time to back this project before it goes to Backerkit! Core pledge will get you 60 paints and 12 washes for £110.

That’s it for this week’s Monday Motivation. If you have a project you want to start or add to your tabletop setup. Then make sure you head over to the TTCombat webstore for a wide range of miniatures and scenery. If you have anything of ours that you’d like to see featured as a Monday Motivation post, then send us some photos to info@ttcombat.com


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