Tiny Industrial WIP Wednesday

Are you ready for some seriously cool scenery?

For today’s WIP Wednesday we have some brand At a 10mm scale, it may be small but its oh so beautiful.

Introducing the Megaventilation Fan, Chimney Tower and Junction Box, all coming soon designed specifically for your Dropzone Commander tabletop, and set to join our Sci-Fi X range of Tabletop Scenics MDF kits.

These are still early WIP designs (the first test cut actually) so there may well be some changes yet.

This giant vent is for an underground bunker, geothermal plant or manufacturing plant. The tip of some sort of industrial iceberg, with plenty of space for troops and a large footprint for hiding more reasonably sized ground vehicles.

Giant exhaust or storage silo, the choice is yours. The platforms on the outside are large enough to put infantry on and connect up with the other SFX industrial kits we have been working on.

There’s also a smaller structure for miscellaneous industrial uses. A bit of small filler for tables, it also has an entrance for objectives that may be squirrelled away inside. As a smaller building it will let you use a few of the rules for terrain that don’t get regular use.

If this has got you wanting something now, check out the current range of
Sci-Fi X scenery available on the webstore.


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