In the far future, buildings get blown up… A lot!
This week we have some new releases for our Sci-Fi Gothic range. We can tease three of them today, so let’s take a look.
First of all is the ruined Aedificium. This is a big building that has most certainly seen better days,
It blocks some line of sight, but most certainly doesn’t block movement jusdging by the amount of gaps in the walls!
Next is the Brownstone Corner building, this one isn’t ruined, at least, not yet. However it does fit with our other Sci-Fi Gothic Brownstones so you can build a set of them with corners too.
The Brownstone corner also comes apart into multiple floors so you could use the inside too, or decorate them for a really life like board!
Last but not least is the Gothic Ruined Chapel. A Chapel now pretty much destroyed, onlt the corners remain for futuristic soldiers, aliens or other to hide around and lie in wait. Or simply to hide from almost certain death!
The and 3 other kits will be available to buy on Friday. price is unkown right now but you know full well it’ll be fantastic value!
In the meantime, why not take a look at the rest of our Sci-Fi Gothic range! Start planning a new board perhaps, or just some more scenery to add to an existing collection.
See you all on Friday for full details!