Advent Calendar 15

It’s our second scenery post of the advent calendar and its stacked! Lets crack open that door and see what in-store.

When we released the Freighter Graveyard set, we said it was just the beginning and boy did we mean it. There is a big influx of kits incoming next year.  So if you’re fan of that range or just want the container table of your dreams, this post is for you!

It starts with one thing, this initial stack. The core starting point to these kits. The idea is to emulate container homes based on our existing container kits and showcase them in a more dystopian way. How better to do that than with stacks! They are still currently a work in progress but they’re very close to being finalised.

Designed with full playability in mind, there are a lot of vantage points and line of sight blocking. To aid in this the interiors are accessible as well. Which gives plenty of strategic options on how to attack and defend.

It cannot always be war though, maybe you need to take a break and grab a snack or do a bit of shopping. New armour anyone? In which case the restaurants and shops will be ideal for you. With counters that are perfect to duck behind, passage ways to traverse through and plenty of height. I guess these are still good for war!

Not all the kits are reaching for the skies though.  There is always a need for some single level cover terrain and individual container sets fulfil this need. They follow the same philosophy as the other designs and are functional terrain pieces. In addition to this, not only is each one playable but they will also join and slot with the bigger kits.

Stacks upon stacks! Every kit is made to work with each other to build a full table. The layout can vary, there isn’t any one way that they must be set out. Meaning you can get a new board layout every time you play.

The eagle eyed amongst you will also notice a whole bunch of kits not yet fully shown in this post, how many can you spot? There is even a whole bunch ready and waiting that I’ve kept secret from this post!

No matter what side of the table you’re playing on, you will have all the cover and access you need to traverse the structure. For the scenic painters out there, there is a lot of detail for you to get your paintbrush into as well!

Be sure to keep an eye on the community page for more updates, there is plenty more to come for this range in the next year.

Check out the TTCombat webstore for some great gift ideas or even your next hobby project. You can get a jump start on your new Freighter Graveyard Build with our fantastic white box bundle too!


3 Replies to “Advent Calendar 15”

  1. Whoever is designing these kits is outdoing themselves time and time again. Freighter graveyard is my favorite style so far so please keep this up!

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