New Releases – Monitors

It’s Friday, which means it’s new release time!

This week we of course have the Dropfleet Monitors!

We previewed them on Tuesday, and now they’re all up for sale!

The UCM Monitor comes in either the Vienna or Istanbul, although you can make three of either with this set!

These extremely detailed spaceships are only two pieces each, with the choice of either a massive Mass Driver or a baby Burnthrough laser! Those pieces sit on top neatly, and the Mass Driver even has a bit of a swivel joint, so you can angle it up or down!

The Scourge gain access to the Lamassu and the Shedu. Again, three per pack, able to build all three in either variant.

The Shedu is a great fighter, with a dangerous Oculus Beam Crest, and a 3+ armour save. On Scourge! The Lamassu has less firepower but is a Light tonnage ship with a Bulk Lander, which is nothing to pass up lightly! Make your enemies fear your slow, slow ground game.

The PHR have three Monitors too, buildable as either Castor or Pollux class.

The Castor has an extremely mean Quad Battery, which as well as sounding cool and looking extremely deadly, comes with a potential 8 shots. That’s per Monitor, not per group. OUCH. The Pollux has… well it has a Close Action weapon? But it’s all about the Aegis (7) on this one, offering extreme Point Defence for your fleet.

The Shaltari meanwhile get to choose between the Silicon or the Selenium. Although you don’t even have to pick, since you get three in a pack and the Silicon comes in groups of 2-3 and the Selenium 1-2. Nice!

Why would you want them? Well, the Silicon has an awesome Quad Ion Cannon which forces ships to have Energy Surges, and the Selenium is a Heavy Voidgate. A Voidgate with armour and guns. Do I need to carry on typing? I imagine Shaltari players are already clicking “add to cart”.


All of these ships are out now! You can pre-order them right now at the TTCombat webstore. They’re out to shops next Friday, so get yours over there first! Each pack of Monitors has three miniatures that can make both variants on every one, and they’re only £20 for these awesome new ships.

Are you looking forward to adding the Monitors to your fleet? Getting any games in over the weekend, or have you just finished a paintjob you’re proud of? Make sure to send some pictures over to so we can see!

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