Rawr! It’s STELLARIS time!
Hello everyone! Welcome back to your Stellaris update!
We went to Gencon last week and showed off a bunch of cool stuff, played some TTCombat games, and met lots of people. Thanks to everyone that came to say hi!
The coolest thing we showed off though (biased opinion here) was the Ether Drake.
We’re very excited to show everyone the model, fresh from our new 3D printer!
Here it is in all its glory!
This one is straight out of the 3D printer, primed in grey and put on a base.
Pretty cool, right?
But how big is this monster? Well we have a couple of scale pictures for you too.
Here it is next to an Authorised Bounty Hunter from our friends over at Infinity. Pretty big!
But what about something more to scale?
Here we have the Ether Drake with a New York Battleship from the UCM in our game Dropfleet Commander. It looks like it could eat it!
Fin is hard at work painting this Ether Drake as I type, so we’ll have more progress on that for you soon. In the meantime, if you’re interested in any of our games, miniatures (including cool spaceships), or MDF scenery, make sure to pop by the TTCombat webstore for all of that, and stop back to TTCommunity for all your Stellaris and TTCombat news!